Latest Podcast: Episode 221 – Old News Extravaganza!
Episode 2 – Dropping Bears on Tin Men
Duration: 01:08:55 • Size: 47.33 MB

This week Jammy, Matt and Lucas discuss the CES keynotes by Sony and Microsoft, the Nintendo 3DS, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim leaks, Kinect and more. Also we have our first Australian developer interview with Tin Man Games programmer Ben Britten, and we end the podcast with a montage about the Queensland flood disaster to share with you all a little of what has been happening in our state. We would also like to encourage as many of you that can to please donate anything you are able by going here:

Click here to see the show notes

An Interview With Tin Man Games

Tin Man Games is an independent Australian game developer based in Melbourne and made up of two men, the founder Neil Rennison, and Ben Britten. I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Ben, who is the sole coder behind the Gamebook Adventure series available on the iTunes app store for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Click here to learn more about Tin Man Games

Podcast Approved on iTunes!

The official Drop Bear Gaming podcast has been approved for listing by iTunes! This means that you can now go ahead and subscribe to it on the iTunes store, and keep up to date whenever we put out a new episode. Episode 2 is recorded and was due for release yesterday, however Lucas unfortunately suffered a power outage at his home as a result of the local flooding here. We will have it up as soon as possible so feel free to go here, subscribe and stay tuned!

On a side note for those interested, the Brisbane flood water levels have peaked and are now dropping slowly so we have made it through that stage, now comes the inevitable clean up. Thank you to everyone who has sent their well wishes on Twitter and with comments on here, we really appreciate it.

Flooding in Queensland

These last few weeks have delivered deluge after deluge of rainfall on many areas of Queensland here in Australia, and they have culminated this past week with some of the worst flooding we have seen in over 30 years. Lucas, Jammy and I are all based in Brisbane, which is currently seeing some of the worst flood water levels in over a hundred years. Luckily our homes are safely on high ground, this unfortunately cannot be said for the thousands of other people here and around the state who have lost their homes and possessions. Our thoughts and hearts go out to everyone affected. Read more…

Exclusive Games Coming to PS3 in 2011

2011 is shaping up to be a great year for gaming, and the folks over at the PlayStation.Blog have compiled a list of 20 games coming exclusively to the PS3 this year. The list includes PSN titles, Move-capable games and some great first party releases that we have all been looking forward to. There are a few titles in particular that I am looking forward to, so after the jump you’ll find my top 5 picks (in no particular order) for PS3 exclusives for 2011! Read more…

Fruit Ninja: a CES Shoutout and #1 on Windows Phone 7

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was held in Las Vegas over the weekend, and Brisbane’s own Halfbrick was given an honourable mention at Microsoft’s keynote press conference. During their keynote, which was live streamed across the internet to millions, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer mentioned Halfbrick’s enormously successful title Fruit Ninja a number of times. I’m sure that will help boost their sales which already place them as the #1 highest-selling title for Windows Phone 7. Read more…

3DS Titles Raise Excitement and Batteries Raise Eyebrows

Issues have simmered to the surface even before the launch has materialised. Nintendo have released a spec sheet on their most anticipated product for years, however not only has it raised expectation, but it’s also raised angst around the battery life. Read more…

Episode 1 – Riding Your Face
Duration: 00:51:44 • Size: 35.53 MB

Join Lucas, Matt and Jammy as they discuss the games they are currently playing and what their favourite games were of 2010 (not a Game Of The Year list). They also discuss their excitement for the list of Triple A titles around the corner and what they each are most looking forward to in 2011. To wrap up they cover the Christmas that just passed and what each of them received (that relates to gaming, not to Jammy’s fetishes). It was a lot of fun and hopefully it brings a smile to your face also.

January’s Xbox Live Marketplace Details

Microsoft has released the details for Marketplace releases and deals for January. Click ahead to see the details. Read more…

Torchlight to see XBLA birth


Runic Games today released plans for Torchlight XBLA title for 2nd Quarter 2011. In the press release it states “We are proud to announce that Torchlight will be coming to Xbox 360 as a part of Microsoft’s House Party promotion in Spring 2011!”. it continued with “We couldn’t be happier to bring Torchlight to Xbox LIVE Arcade,” said CEO Max Schaefer. “This is what the fans have been asking for. Torchlight for the Xbox 360 is a new way to experience a great game, and we’re thrilled to work with Microsoft to bring it to fruition.” Read more…

The Podfather/Convo Controller
Super salesman by day, Batdad and Gamersutra by night. As a self-confessed technology pacifist, he prefers to sit on the console-war fence and play games on his PC.
PlayStation Fanboy/Motormouth
Electrician by trade and yet also highly skilled at finding time to game around work and family commitments. A PlayStation fanboy with a platinum count and obvious podcast bias to prove it. Thinks DC is clearly superior to Marvel. Has been known to rant.

Started in January 2011 by brothers Lucas and Matt, Drop Bear Gaming has been operating for over 7 years offering a fresh and relaxed perspective on the video game industry. The website is a passion project more than anything and it is our distinct pleasure to continue bringing entertainment to our listeners and viewers.

The guys release a podcast episode every two to three weeks and over the years they have welcomed guests from developers, publishers, and other gaming outlets onto the show.

Disclaimer: From time to time Drop Bear Gaming receives copies of games for review in either physical or digital format from publishers or their associated PR companies. All reviews are based on the merits of each game on their own. Whether or not we were supplied the copy is not taken into account when compiling our reviews.

Find out more about DBG